Governance Policy Checklist
1. Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Ensures compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 across operations and supply chains, particularly for equipment and materials sourcing.
2. Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Reflects commitment to ethical practices, including training and reporting mechanisms in line with the Bribery Act 2010.
3. Conflicts of Interest Policy
Addresses potential conflicts in procurement and project partnerships, ensuring transparency.
4. Whistleblowing Policy
Provides anonymous mechanisms for reporting unethical or unsafe practices, adhering to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.
5. Code of Conduct
Outlines expectations for ethical behaviour, sustainability, and professionalism in all projects and client interactions.
6. Data Protection and Cybersecurity Policy
Implements measures for safeguarding client and operational data, compliant with GDPR and aligned with Cyber Essentials Certification.
7. Prompt Payment Policy
Commits to timely payment of suppliers and subcontractors, fostering trust and accountability.
8. Tax Compliance and Transparency Policy
Ensures adherence to HMRC regulations while avoiding aggressive tax practices.
9. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Policy
Addresses the need for operational resilience in case of IT disruptions or equipment failures in critical projects.
10. Fair Wages and Benefits Policy
Ensures fair wages and benefits for employeers, including compliance with minimum wage laws, gender pay equity and retirement.
11. Innovation Investment Policy
A description of how the company invests in innovation and research to drive economic growth.
17. Responsible Supply Chain Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct, how suppliers are monitored, ethical sourcing practises.